Case Study: Custom HKS seals

Case Study: Custom HKS seals



Client disregarded the fact that seals have a life span and waited until there was an obvious seal failure. Under pressure to reduce the breakdown time, client urgently needed the deteriorating seal to be replaced to avoid high repair costs and long waiting periods until unrestricted production can resume.

Due to the aging process of the sealing material, the seal gradually became brittle and porous, decreasing its sealing effect causing seal leakage. The leakage resulted in contamination on the inside of the cylinder. This build up leads to the sealing rings to wear down at a much faster rate.


Replacing and buying a custom hydraulic rotary actuator seal kit from HKS can be very costly especially if it is a custom size that is required and there is a rush in production time. At Oz Seals, hydraulic rotary actuary seals are in stock and can be custom made in no time. Manufactured from Oz Super 95, the custom seal has a much better material property characteristics as compared to the original seal that was installed.

As Oz Seals has our own proprietary design to suit HKS grooves, client was able to get a hold of a custom HKS seal kit at a much lower cost and was able to reduce production down time as it was already in stock.


Client Reported:

  • Oz Seals successfully manufactured a custom HKS seal that was far superior than the original seal.
  • Has no breakdowns since the seal replacement, It has increased productivity and reduced maintenance costs.
  • Client was able to get a far superior seal at a much lower cost as the seal kit was in stock. This also reduces the machine downtime.